Sugar is one of very important ingredient in food recipe. It will give sweetness taste to the food. It can be found in our daily foods and drinks
Sugar by definition is a sweet crystalline or powdered substance, white when pure, consisting of sucrose obtained mainly from sugar cane and sugar beets and used in many foods, drinks, and medicines to improve their taste.
In culinary terms, sugar as a type of food delivers one of the primary taste sensations, that of sweetness.
Sugar or white sugar is made by extracting the juice from sugar cane, filtering, concentrating and purifying it until sugar crystallizes.
The "simple" sugars, or monosaccharides (such as glucose), store energy which biological cells use and consume. In a list of ingredients, any word that ends with "ose" probably denotes a sugar. For example glucose, fructose and sucrose.
Food Safety and Health
Food safety, a critical facet in safeguarding human health, stands apart
from the considerations surrounding animal and plant health, where the
focus predo...