Sunday, March 06, 2016

Ingredients for making fondants

Fondant, a mixture do sucrose, corn syrup and water, is a simple candy. Fondant used extensively in the candy and baking industry, the additive used is invert sugar.

When making fondant, accurately measuring the ingredients is important because changing their ratios greatly affects the texture of the fondant.

Ingredients: ½ cup softened butter, ½ cup corn syrup, ½ teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon vanilla extract and 2 cups confectioner’s sugar (shifted).

The process of making fondant consists of cooking a mixture of the ingredients, cooling to 38° C to 54 ° C, then agitating it until it crystallizes.

In the baking industry, fondant is used in the preparation of high quality icings. It imparts humectants qualities to the icings, but at the same time, it provides a highly desirable sheen or luster to the finished products.

Adding flavoring to fondant can help make an otherwise bland icing a little more palatable. Adding color to it makes the cake more vibrant and visually interesting.
Ingredients for making fondants

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