It is the fruit of the species Annona cherimola. Although its rough, notched may not look too inviting , cherimoya has an unusual, delicious flavor, described as a combination of strawberry, banana and pineapple, which more that makes up for its first impression.
It has a custardlike texture, accounting for its alternate name, custard apple. Cherimoyas are high in vitamin C.
Unfortunately, cherimoyas are of the most expensive fruits available for a couple of reasons: The female cherimoya flowers must be hand pollinated to produce fruit.
And because cherimoyas are so fragile they must be harvested and sorted by hand.
All the more reason to savor every bite. When ripe, their skin turns brownish green and yields to light pressure.
A cherimoya can be eaten right out of its own cup when halved or quartered, or cut it into chucks and add it to fruit salads.
Discard its large black seeds. Don’t bother cooking cherimoya, the flavor dissipates with heat.
Fruit of Cherimoya