Monday, December 01, 2014

Ingredients for alkaline noodles

Yellow alkaline noodles are essentially made from flour (100 parts), water (32 – 35 parts), and a solution of alkaline salts known as kansui or lye water (1 part).

The most common of salts are usually a mixture of sodium and potassium carbonates (typically 9:1) or sodium hydroxide in some cases. The application of alkaline salt in noodle making is originated in southern China. In ancient times, kansui was extracted by boiling lye stone or plant ash in water.

Noodles supplemented with high alkali levels have stronger flavor and coloration because flavones react with the alkaline salts.

Flours from hard wheat, with protein content in the range of 10-12%, with mellow gluten quality, is recommended for fresh alkaline noodle.

Highly refined flour is preferred for alkaline noodles to maximize noodle brightness and minimize visible bran specks. It should be milled from medium protein wheat that yields intermediate gluten properties.

Optional ingredients in alkaline noodles are: egg solids and yellow coloring.
Ingredients for alkaline noodles

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