Shiitake, Japanese forest mushrooms, are one of the orients most exotic and delicious foods. Their distinctive taste lends a gourmet flair to almost any dish.
Shiitake’s food value alone makes the mushroom a welcomed contribution to increasingly diet –conscious world.
Shiitake mushrooms have excellent nutritional value.
Shiitake is a good source of protein, potassium and including the stems, zinc, an important element for immune competence.
Dried shiitake mushrooms are rich in carbohydrates and proteins. They contain 58-60% carbohydrates, 20-23 % proteins. Shiitake mushrooms contain eighteenth amino acids, seven of which are essential amino acids.
The mushroom is a good source of vitamin, especially provitamin D2 (ergosterol), 235 mg%, which under ultraviolet light and heat yields calciferol.
Though the texture of reconstituted dried shiitake cannot compare with that of the fresh mushrooms, shiitake’s exquisite flavor is even more concentrated with drying.
Nutrition value of Mushroom shitake
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