Botanically herbs are soft-stemmed plants whose remains stem dies down to the root and re-grow each year. Culinary herbs popularity includes annual and biennale plants as well as the leaves of some bushes or even trees. Herbs may or may not be strongly aromatic in character but those of value in food flavoring have a quite distinctive character. They contain only low levels of essential oil which is responsible for their odor and flavor profile.
For culinary use the whole herbaceous tops are gathered and may be used either fresh or after dying. In the later case it is usual to remove the leaves, flower heads, seeds, etc., from the heavier, harder and less aromatic stems by screening. Such herbs are called “rubbed” or “broken” and it is in this form that they are sold for domestic use. The flavor intensity of the freshly-cut green herbs is appreciably higher and of a different character from that of its dried equivalent. A considerably proportion of the lighter essential oil fractions are either lost of modified during the dehydration process. The fine, clean notes associated with the fresh herb are, in the dried version, generally overlaid by a dull hay-like aroma.
What is a definition for Herbs?